The AGM of the Jersey Estate Agents’ Association was held at the Pomme D’Or on Tuesday 30 April and was attended by representatives of the member firms.
The President welcomed all attendees with a particular welcome to new members to the Association who had joined since last year’s AGM.
The evening commenced with food and the meeting got underway at 4.45 pm.
The President, Gill Hunt and Vice President, Nick Dodsley confirmed that they would stand for a further term, the Committee comprising Aimee Sinclair-Horgan, Samantha Leighton, Catherine Buckley and administrator Shelagh Marett all agreed to continue for the coming year.
It was reported that the Treasurer would continue for a further year.
Having been circulated prior to the meeting, the minutes of the AGM held on 26 April 2018 and the Financial Statements for the year from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018 and from 1 January 2019 to 25 April 2019 were approved, seconded and adopted.
The President showcased the new JEAA website commissioned by The Beach and discussions took place about future topics of interest to the members to be covered in breakfast meetings and training throughout the coming year.
The business of the meeting concluded at 5.40 pm.